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What Is the Biological Definition of Conception

Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:

Noun 1. fertilisation - creation by the physical union of male and female gametes fertilisation - creation by the physical union of male and female gametes; of sperm and ova in an animal or pollen and ovule in a plant

conception, creation - the event that occurred at the beginning of something; "from its creation the plan was doomed to failure"

superfecundation - fertilization of two or more ova released during the same menstrual cycle by sperm from separate acts of coitus (especially by different males)

superfetation - fertilization of a second ovum after a pregnancy has begun; results in two fetuses of different ages in the uterus at the same time; "superfetation is normal in some animal species"

2. fertilisation - making fertile as by applying fertilizer or manure

enrichment - act of making fuller or more meaningful or rewarding

top dressing - a layer of fertilizer or manure not plowed in

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تَسْميد، إخْصاب



(ˈfəːtail) adjective

1. producing a lot. fertile fields; a fertile mind/imagination. ryk, produktief خَصْب، خَصيب плодороден fértil úrodný; vynalézavý fruchtbar, schöpferisch frugtbar; frodig γόνιμος fértil viljakas بارور hedelmällinen fertile פורה उर्वर plodan termékeny subur frjór fertile 肥沃な 기름진 derlingas, turtingas ražīgs; bagāts; radošs (par iztēli u.tml.) subur vruchtbaar fruktbar, rik, frodig żyzny زېږنده: بركتى، ايبره ور (حاصل خيز)، ښيراز fértil fertil плодородный;богатый úrodný; vynachádzavý ploden plodan bördig, produktiv, rik ที่อุดมสมบูรณ์ verimli 肥沃的,多產的 родючий; багатий زرخیز phì nhiêu; màu mỡ 肥沃的,丰富的

2. able to produce fruit, children, young animals etc. fertile seed. vrugbaar مُثْمِر، وَلود плодовит fértil plodný fruchtbar frugtbar καρπερός fértil paljunemisvõimeline زاینده lisääntymiskykyinen fécond פורה फलद rodan termékeny subur frjór fertile, fecondo 繁殖力のある 다산인 vaisingas auglīgs; dīgtspējīgs (par sēklām) subur vruchtbaar fruktbar płodny زيږونكي fértil fecund плодовитый plodný rodoviten plodan fruktsam, fertil ที่สามารถให้ลูกได้ doğurgan 有繁殖力的 родючий; плодоносний اگنے پنپنے کی صلاحیت والا tốt giống 有繁殖力的

ferˈtility (-ˈti-) noun

the state or condition of being fertile. vrugbaarheid خِصْب، خُصوبه، إخْصاب плодородие fertilidade úrodnost; plodnost die Fruchtbarkeit frugtbarhed; frodighed γονιμότητα fertilidad viljakus باروری hedelmällisyys fertilité פוריות उपजाऊपन plodnost, rodnost termékenység kesuburan frjósemi fertilità 肥沃さ 비옥, 다산 derlingumas, vaisingumas auglība; ražība; vaislība kesuburan vruchtbaarheid fruktbarhet płodność, urodzajność حاصل خيزى، ښيراز والى fertilidade fertilitate плодородие; плодовитость úrodnosť; plodnosť plodnost plodnost bördighet, fruktsamhet, fertilitet ความอุดมสมบูรณ์ verimlilik 繁殖力 родючість, плодючість زرخیزی tình trạng màu mỡ; khả năng sinh sản 繁殖力

fertilize, fertilise (-ti-) verb

to make fertile. He fertilized his fields with manure; An egg must be fertilized before it can develop. bemes, bevrug يُسَمِّد الأرْض обогатявам fertilizar pohnojit, zúrodnit; oplodnit fruchtbar machen, befruchten gøde; befrugte λιπαίνω, γονιμοποιώ fertilizar viljastama, väetama بارور کردن hedelmöittää, lannoittaa fertiliser לְהַפרוֹת उपजाऊ बनाना oploditi, nagnojiti (meg)termékenyít menyuburkan bera áburð á; frjóvga fertilizzare; fecondare 肥料をほどこす 기름지게 하다 tręšti, apvaisinti mēslot (augsni); apaugļot; apputeksnēt menyuburkan bemesten, bevruchten gjødsle; befrukte nawozić ښيرازه كول، مستول، سره ور كول: بلار بول fertilizar a fertiliza удобрять; оплодотворять zúrodniť; oplodniť oploditi; gnojiti oploditi gödsla, befrukta ทำให้อุดมสมบูรณ์ gübrelemek; döllemek 使肥沃,使受精 удобрювати; запліднювати زرخیز بنانا thụ tinh, thụ phấn; làm cho phì nhiêu 使肥沃,使受精

ˌfertiliˈzation, ˌfertiliˈsation noun

bevrugting تَسْميد، إخْصاب торене fertilização pohnojení, zúrodnění; oplodnění das Fruchtbarmachen, die Befruchtung gødning; befrugtning λίπανση, γονιμοποίηση fertilización viljastamine, väetamine بارور سازی hedelmöitys, lannoitus fertilisation הפריה उपजाऊ बनाने की विधि oplodnja, fertilizacija (meg)termékenyítés pembuahan frjóvgun fertilizzazione; fecondazione 施肥 비옥화 tręšimas, apvaisinimas (augsnes) mēslošana; apaugļošana; apputeksnēšana penyuburan het bemesten, bevruchting gjødsling; befruktning nawożenie بلاربونه، القاح، سره ور كونه fertilização fertilizare удобрение; оплодотворение zúrodnenie; oplodnenie oploditev; pognojitev oplodnja gödsling, befruktning การผสมพันธุ์ gübreleme, dölle(n)me 施肥,受精 удобрювання; запліднення تولیدی عمل sự thụ tinh; sự làm cho màu mỡ 施肥,受精

ˈfertilizer, ˈfertiliser (-ti-) noun

a substance (manure, chemicals etc) used to make land (more) fertile. bemesting سَماد тор fertilizante (umělé hnojivo) der Dünger gødning λίπασμα fertilizante, abono väetis کود lannoite engrais דשן खाद umjetno gnojivo (mű)trágya pupuk áburður fertilizzante 肥料 비료 trąša mēslojums; mākslīgie mēsli baja mest gjødsel, gjødningsmiddel nawóz سره (پارو)، انبار fertilizante îngrăşământ удобрение hnojivo gnojilo đubrivo gödningsmedel, konstgödsel ปุ๋ย gübre 肥料 удобрювач; добриво کھاد phân bón 肥料

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What Is the Biological Definition of Conception
