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Changing Ambient Light Color in 2018 Genesis

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Changing ambient lighting color

  • Thread author Skos
  • Start date
  • #1
Genesis Model Type
Genesis G90
Supposedly my 2018 g90 has multiple ambient lighting colors on the door, dashboard, etc. I want to change it from the violet color currently, how do I do that?
  • #2
Los Angeles
Genesis Model Year
Genesis Model Type
Genesis G90
Lights is under User Setting in the center LCD screen

Ambient Light Color
To select the color of the ambient
- Polar White/Ocean Blue/Lake Blue Green/Orchid Green/Freesia Yellow/ Sunrise Red/Aurora Purple

  • #3
Genesis Model Type
Genesis G90
Supposedly my 2018 g90 has multiple ambient lighting colors on the door, dashboard, etc. I want to change it from the violet color currently, how do I do that?
  • #4

Perhaps a tad harsh said that way, but it's true. The manual details features that an owner may not be aware of, so they won't even know to ask.
  • #5
Wow real helpful there buddy. Door out of the forum is that way =>
  • #6
Genesis Model Type
Genesis G90
Wow real helpful there buddy. Door out of the forum is that way =>
He knows he has ambient lighting because...he sees it in action. Logical next step if he doesn't like what he sees, check the manual.

If he doesn't understand what he's reading, a question makes sense.

Have a nice day

  • #7
Los Angeles
Genesis Model Year
Genesis Model Type
Genesis G90
Wow real helpful there buddy. Door out of the forum is that way =>
I didn't see you taking your time to do research and provide any answer. @Regor60 bothered to answer with a valid response.
  • #8
Valid response?? To a new member? Telling someone who asks a pertinent question, who perhaps does not have access to the manual, to "Read The F**king Manual"??
Seriously appropriate? I know our country has lost some sense of civility but jeez.
I cant imagine a scenario anywhere when someone would ask me a legitimate question and I would respond " Go F**king look it up".

And cant think of one person I interact with on a regular basis that would respond that way either. Matter of minimal respect.

  • #9
Genesis Model Type
Genesis G90
Valid response?? To a new member? Telling someone who asks a pertinent question, who perhaps does not have access to the manual, to "Read The F**king Manual"??
Seriously appropriate? I know our country has lost some sense of civility but jeez.
I cant imagine a scenario anywhere when someone would ask me a legitimate question and I would respond " Go F**king look it up".

And cant think of one person I interact with on a regular basis that would respond that way either. Matter of minimal respect.

Trigger warning.

Snowflake in the house.

  • #10
Parrish, FL
Genesis Model Year
Genesis Model Type
Genesis G80
Valid response?? To a new member? Telling someone who asks a pertinent question, who perhaps does not have access to the manual, to "Read The F**king Manual"??
Seriously appropriate? I know our country has lost some sense of civility but jeez.
I cant imagine a scenario anywhere when someone would ask me a legitimate question and I would respond " Go F**king look it up".

And cant think of one person I interact with on a regular basis that would respond that way either. Matter of minimal respect.

I understand you point, it comes down to interpretation. The OP said "how do I do this" but readers read one of two things:
A. I read the manual and can't find how to do this. Please help
B. I'm too lazy to read the manual so tell me how to do this.
c. Maybe something in between.

The manual can be daunting and a new owner overwhelmed. I know there were many things that took me a while to find and the group here was a big help in two ways. They taught me things I did not know and they inspired me to look up things too, that benefits all of us.

Sometimes it is best not to reply until you've had a coffee, a drink or kicked the dog.

  • #11
"Trigger warning.

Snowflake in the house"


  • #12
"Sometimes it is best not to reply until you've had a coffee, a drink or kicked the dog."

Ha true. Even if someone is too lazy to look it up in the manual, telling them to F**king look it up is a bit too much. Especially a new member.

  • #13
Genesis Model Type
Genesis G90
"Sometimes it is best not to reply until you've had a coffee, a drink or kicked the dog."

Ha true. Even if someone is too lazy to look it up in the manual, telling them to F**king look it up is a bit too much. Especially a new member.

Having fun with this, really.

Your words serve as a practical definition of "enabling "

  • #14
Genesis Model Type
No Genesis Yet!
So, I wonder if Skos ever got his/her lighting to change??
  • #15


Lights is under User Setting in the center LCD screen

Ambient Light Color
To select the color of the ambient
- Polar White/Ocean Blue/Lake Blue Green/Orchid Green/Freesia Yellow/ Sunrise Red/Aurora Purple

Thank you!!
  • #16


Jack of few trades, master of fewer.
Genesis Model Type
Genesis G90
Trigger warning.

Snowflake in the house.

Franco59 is right. And a decent human being. Listen, if you don't want to share information and be able to help someone out, then that's your prerogative (I guess that means you're here only to take or use). Don't and move on. Don't be "that guy", the miserable, arrogant, judgemental horses ass who won't take 30 seconds and answer a question, but will use the same amount of time or more to berate and bully a guy with a simple question. These forums are about a lot of things, three of which are - to share information, share the excitement of buying & owning with other Genesis owners, and just to be helpful to others. I've asked a lot of questions on forums like this over many years and I have answered questions when I was able as well. The give and take and sharing of information are what make these forums so awesome. Not sure what's up with this forum. There seem to be more mean spirited people and those with attitudes here than on any automotive forum I've been on (and yes there are nice folks here as well, thankfully). Bottom line: There's no substitute for being civil, kind and a decent human being. It's unfortunate (and sad) that some adults here never were taught basic life skills growing up and never learned to work and play well with others, or simply have too much time on their hands...Rant over.
  • #17
Richmond, VA
Genesis Model Type
1G Genesis Sedan (2009-2014)
Having fun with this, really.

Your words serve as a practical definition of "enabling "

  • #18
This thread has certainly struck a chord on both sides of the opinion spectrum. I've been a frequent user of electronic bulletin boards since the early 80s, and have often noticed that anonymous or semi-anonymous posting engenders a lack of civility. I believe it's getting worse over time, especially on social media platforms like Twitter. Personally, I try to choose my words as if I were speaking to the other participant(s) face-to-face.

In any event, my point above was merely that it pays to read the manual at some point, even if selectively. Having an electronic version readily available makes this much easier and faster.

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  • #19
Appreciate the words Cactus99.

Currently a member of 3 automotive forums as my wife and I own 4 automobiles including the G90. Not super active in any of them but do monitor all somewhat regularly for any new information or issues. Online communication has turned more abrasive over the years as keyboard warriors feel embolden behind their anonymity (not pointing any fingers at anyone here). As EdP said, we should think before posting anywhere to how someone may perceive it.

Decorum on forums is a slippery slope. Lexus (SC430) forum is awesome and with respectful and real helpful folks. BMW (750 F02) forum is generally fine, occasionally gets a little snarky. And this Genesis forum is generally fine.

Perhaps we can keep our important forum above the fray as we all work together to make it a great source of information and knowledge about the terrific G90.

There are a lot of cool great people here, lets all make it a great place for everyone. Especially new members.

Rudeness is contagious. But so is kindness. Life generally goes much better with the latter. Lets move on and have some fun.

  • #20
Palm Beach, Florida
Genesis Model Year
Genesis Model Type
2G Genesis Sedan (2015-2016)

RTFM is not how we greet new members asking their first question. Of course Skos isn't going to come back after a response like that. "RTFM" may be okay in certain situations where members have been around a while and got lazy - or are generally comfortable with a comment like that - but it's not the way we greet new members - especially in their first post. There are more civil ways of making a point.

My pledge to the community states:

- I pledge to assure you of a clean and comfortable community environment.
- I pledge to promote diversity and respect for all human differences.
- I pledge to provide prompt, friendly and courteous service to those who need it.
- I pledge to respond in a rapid, sensitive and non-confrontational manner to requests that will enhance your experience.
- I pledge to provide you with an experience that will encourage you to return.

At the very least, responses to a brand new member's very first question of "RTFM" don't allow me to provide an experience that encourages them to return. Figure out a way to deal with questions you don't like without being downright nasty, or stay on Facebook - because that's not how we do things here.

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Changing Ambient Light Color in 2018 Genesis
